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FOCUS Uganda


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FOCUS is a community of Christian Union students and graduates who are committed to being partners in National and global witness. FOCUS believes the best way to do this is by building strong Christian Union students who are committed to three common goals: a) Evangelism: communication of the gospel message b) Discipleship: learning to live the way God wants us to live c) Global Mission: Proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom of God and responding to human need by loving service THE CHILD PROJECT FOCUS’ child project is a community-based outreach program to the Mulago-Kalerwe slum community in which the FOCUS center is situated. The project supports children financially through individual sponsorship so that they have the opportunity to attend school and also be provided with their basic needs. Through various educational programs, FOCUS exposes these children to opportunities that will help them develop spiritually, physically, socially, and economically.

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